
The love for the Black Forest, its endless forests, which consistently encompass towns and pastures, clear heights and dark valleys - but above all a people who know how to give life new and positive twists over and over again, all of this keeps us captive.
Caught in Gersbach, one of the most pleasant places we can imagine.
Since 2011 we have been working on renovating the former hunting lodge in such a way that the architectural style of past times harmonized with the requirements of modern times. We do not limit ourselves to the main building. We have set ourselves the same goal for the former chauffeur's house, which is now available as a holiday home: preserve history and combine it with today's standards.

As far as possible in harmony with nature:

Far-drawn hipped roofs, which defy wind and weather, shingle or wooden cladding characterize the typical appearance of the buildings.
It is a matter of the heart for us to maintain this - despite extensive measures for sound and heat insulation.
Another goal was to use as much solar energy as possible - without the usual, unimaginative boxes on the roof. In connection with this is the use of wood and pellet stoves and the continuous use of underfloor heating.
The current roof covering with aluminum shingles is significantly more durable than the original shingle covering made of wood and yet it largely corresponds to its appearance.
The building is surrounded by a large, lovingly tended garden that pleases the eye as much as it provides the kitchen with herbs, fruit and spices.

We sincerely hope that our efforts will meet with your interest and positive feedback and would be very happy to be able to accommodate you!

Erika and Hartmut Schmidt

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